Exclusive: Drew McIntyre Recalls Where His Love Of WWE Came From
Drew McIntyre exclusively chats to Cultaholic's Tom Campbell!

Sep 12, 2021
Drew McIntyre has recalled how watching WWE from behind his cousin's sofa installed the desire in him to become a professional wrestler.
McIntyre, a lifelong WWE fan, revealed he sat his family down for a family meeting at the age of six and told them all that he was going to join the WWE, having been enamoured with the production while watching at his family's house.
Speaking exclusively to Cultaholic's Tom Campbell, McIntyre said: "I can still remember my first memories of hiding behind the couch at my older cousin’s house. We’d hide behind it and watch from a distance, almost like it was forbidden to watch.
"My older cousins are probably seven and 10 years older than myself and my brother, and we’d be watching from afar and I would just be captivated by the characters, the colours, and the visual thrill ride that is WWE.
"That’s what they were always watching and one day I was like ‘That’s what I’m going to do…’ I knew instantly. My dad still talks about a family meeting that I called with him and my mum and my brother, and I told them ‘I’m going to be a professional wrestler, I’m going to be in WWE one day’. I never deviated from that plan.
"I knew from a young age and the passion for it kept me going whenever I was in a difficult situation or in physical or mental pain over the years. I was already reminding myself that this was the dream, this is what I wanted to do, and I’m very lucky to be doing it at any level - never mind the top level with WWE."
You can watch Drew McIntyre's full, exclusive interview with Cultaholic's Tom Campbell in the video player below!
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