Exclusive: Drew McIntyre Reveals Vince McMahon's Influence On WWE Entrance & Sword Name
McIntyre speaks exclusively to Cultaholic's Tom Campbell

Sep 14, 2021
Drew McIntyre has credited WWE Chairman Vince McMahon for coming up with the movements for his entrance and for his assistance in naming his sword on Monday Night Raw.
McIntyre has leaned into his Scottish heritage on the red brand in recent months, wearing a kilt to the ring and carrying a huge broadsword. McIntyre's entrance used to involve stabbing said sword into the ground, a motion he says the boss came up with.
Speaking exclusively to Cultaholic's Tom Campbell, McIntyre said: "The kilt and the sword came from a management suggestion. We started working on what I was going to wear, the colours, etcetera. Blue is my favourite colour so that’s what we went with initially, and then they brought the sword which was a gigantic, Scottish broadsword which is legitimately five foot long, and we’re trying to figure out how we’re going to do this entrance.
"I remember working on it on the day and not being able to figure out how I was going to carry this sword to the ring. I was initially going to carry it on my back but it just wasn’t comfortable. I took it to Vince McMahon and I told him my concerns. I was in his office and he took the sword off me, spun it around for a few seconds and stabbed it into the ground.
"He said ‘come with me’ and we went to the stage. Within two minutes, right from my feedback, he created the entrance I used up until about a month ago. It was amazing to watch Vince in action. You bring him a couple of concerns and he just creates an insane entrance off the top of his head. I was very excited."
The sword now accompanies McIntyre to the ring on Monday Night Raw and has since been given a name - Angela - in tribute to his mother, who sadly passed away in 2012.
The former WWE Champion has revealed that it was McMahon who suggested he name the sword after his beloved parent.
McIntyre continued: "I had a conversation with Vince and we’re talking about giving the sword a name and giving it more meaning. I was thinking about things like ‘Widow-maker’ or ‘Bloody Bonnie’. But he said they normally have female names and he asked my mother’s name. I told him Angela. We kind of talked about her, her life, her story and what she had to overcome and how she’s no longer with us. And he said ‘there’s the name right there’.
"It’s a cool tribute to my mum and it’s cool for my family to hear her name on TV every week. And if you annoy Drew enough, then Angela is coming for you!"
Delving further into his relationship with the boss, McIntyre admits he was scared of McMahon during his first run in WWE, but thoroughly enjoys discussing the business side of the promotion with the WWE Chairman.
"During my first run I was terrified of him, intimidated by him and I never knew what to say when I was in front of him. I would try to make awkward small talk and jokes, and I think my accent was so thick he didn’t understand me half the time," McIntyre added.
"When I came back the second time, having been outside the company and grown up a bit and becoming a bit more business-minded, I realised that this is the boss and I had to build a relationship with the boss. And that’s what it’s become - two grown men talking - rather than a scared little boy talking to an adult, which was the first run.
"I always love to get his opinion on things. I mentioned the entrance and things like that happen constantly. He gives me advice and tells me thing. ‘Why don’t you try this?’ Well because nobody thinks that way and only you think that way, boss. So I’m always picking his brain. If you’re not picking his brain and not building a relationship with the man who runs the entire company, then you’re not going to get very far. And I can say that because I had my first run."
You can watch Drew McIntyre's full, exclusive interview with Cultaholic's Tom Campbell in the video player below!
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