Latest On Eric Bischoff's Role With WWE SmackDown Live
What's Easy E up to at this point?

Jul 19, 2019
New Monday Night Raw Executive Director Paul Heyman's fingerprints have been evident on the last few editions of the flagship program, while on the contrary, recent reports tabbed blue-brand equivalent Eric Bischoff as not yet having settled into his role on SmackDown Live.
Roughly a week ago,
Bischoff revealed he was preparing to make the cross-country move to Connecticutin order to begin at his new position, and full integration into his role was expected to take some time.
In this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter
, Dave Meltzer wrote that Bischoff actually began his first day on the job on Wednesday, July 17.
Additionally, Meltzer also wrote, "...those in creative were told that he will most likely not be involved with the creative process and that it looks like his job will be to interface with all of the departments in the company as well as with FOX."
Meltzer adds that Bischoff is expected to be the leader of the SmackDown brand, which as of right now is reportedly somewhat rudderless, amounting to little more than just top writer Ryan Ward and others pitching their ideas directly to Vince McMahon.