
Matt Riddle Addresses Rumours That He Has Heat Backstage In WWE

After he had a short stint in the Royal Rumble...

Back at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, NXT star Matt Riddle entered his first Rumble match. The King Of Bros only lasted 40 seconds, however, after being dumped over the top rope by King Corbin. Soon after, Dave Meltzer reported on Wrestling Observer Radio that Riddle was eliminated so quickly as a punishment and he had heat with people backstage in WWE.

During a recent interview with Gary Cassidy at Sportskeeda, the former UFC fighter addressed the reports that he had heat backstage. Riddle confirmed he has no issues with management, but admitted there were people in WWE who don't like him.

The NXT Tag Team Champion said: "I'll tell you this. Do I have heat with WWE or NXT, or the people that run the show? No. Do I have heat with some people who think I'm disrespectful at times because they don't understand how business works? Yes. Do people take things too seriously? Yes.  

"And honestly, I've had to give talks at NXT, it's not like I stopped the place, but it's like, interjecting. I'm like, 'Hey, I'm going to tweet or say something that offends you. Realise I'm not trying to actually offend you, I'm just trying to make people think I am.' I'm putting out an image, a facade, you know?

"If I talk a certain amount of trash, people are like, 'Oh, man, that guy's uncontrollable, he does what he wants.' You know what I'm saying? I'm doing the job, I'm in the business I'm in. I'm a tag champ, I was in the Rumble, so how does this guy have so much nuclear heat?

"I was in Vince McMahon's office just three weeks ago before this thing broke out. I was in headquarters talking to him and yeah, we mentioned the heat I have with certain people but, at the end of the day, he signs the cheques, he makes it happen for me and they're in control, not the talent.

"If employer's happy and I can make them money and make them a profit, and I'm worth my weight and I'm pulling my weight, I don't see a problem. To answer your question, yes, some people I have heat with. But most of its just high school, catty, 'He said this.' People who just can't take a joke or a work."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons