
Nia Jax's Bidet Offer & Sami Zayn's Brodie Lee Tribute: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

The stories, interactions and other things that may have slipped through MY HOLE...

Not a week goes by that there isn't some major, breaking wrestling news. 

Wrestling is a, quite frankly, preposterous business that never takes a day off and, due to the nature of its very weirdness, will routinely produce captivating stories (at least outside of the ring). 

While I'm sure we're all no doubt glued to our screens while this pesky pandemic rages on, that doesn't necessarily mean you're hearing or reading about absolutely everything that happens in the wacky world of wrestling. 

Which is why we have started a new feature whereby we clue you in on some of the more obscure or otherwise under-reported things that have went down over the course of previous seven days.

It's something for you to look through while you're on your commute home...

Oh wait a second, I forgot. Nobody has a commute anymore, do they? 

Oh well, you can still read it, perhaps while doing your morning constitutional. Which is apt, because there will almost certainly be a sizeable dose of toilet humour. 

And it might be crap. We'll see. 

So, without further ado, here are ten things you may have missed in wrestling this week...

10. John Cena Sr. Suggests How He Would End Goldberg's Career

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You're not likely to go long without reading something about John Cena, with the recent updates on The Face That Runs The Place mostly to do with whether or not he's going to be able to appear at WrestleMania. 

You don't, however, hear much about John Cena Senior (try saying that five times quickly after a few pints). 

Most WWE fans will remember Cena's father from his various appearances on WWE television over the years, particularly during Cena's feud with Edge. 

Cena Sr. is still a big wrestling fan, having worked as an announcer in the past, and will from time to time cause noise with comments he makes on podcasts. 

His latest headline-grabbing statements concern how he would end Goldberg's in-ring career, telling Boston Wrestling MWF that: 

I would think, if I’m gonna end Goldberg’s career, I would put him in there against The Fiend in a House Burning Match. I’m just using a gimmick. The house burns down and Goldberg’s in it. That takes care of his contract. He’s out, he’s done. I don’t think that [losing to Drew McIntyre at the 2021 WWE Royal Rumble] is a way to let a man of his stature, stamina, and professionalism go out. He’s a great guy, he really is. 

Considering the sheer amount of attempted murder on WWE television in 2020 alone, I wouldn't put it past them. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.