
Nyla Rose Comments On Transphobic 'Fan' At AEW Dynamite

The individual held a transphobic sign at a recent episode of AEW: Dynamite

Whilst wrestling can be a friendly, inclusive space, some fans can ruin everything, like a ‘fan’ at a recent AEW TV taping who held a transphobic sign aimed at Nyla Rose.

Rose herself flipped the fan off before they were promptly ejected from the arena, and Rose has spoken of the incident during an interview with Sports Illustrated:

“For the most part, people understood why that sign was wrong.Maybe that person didn’t quite understand the gravity of what they were doing. You want to boo, that’s cool. But there is a line.”

Rose’s reaction was commended online, with many coming out in support of ‘The Native Beast’:

“People might feel it’s a conflict of their beliefs by simply respecting someone else, but it’s not,” Rose continued. “You don’t have to understand or even agree with somebody’s situation to show them simple respect and kindness, like respecting their pronouns and respecting their way of life. I’d love for people to be cool with it, but if that’s not your thing, it’s not your thing. But shouldn’t people want to treat their fellow humans with a little respect and kindness?”

Rose also spoke of her transitional journey during the interview, saying:

“My transitional journey might be completely different from somebody else who grew up in the same conditions as I did, or grew up in totally different conditions,” Rose says. “The transition is completely different for every single person. That’s one of the things that gets lost on a lot of people. You hear this umbrella term of transgender and you think it’s supposed to be black-and-white, and that’s not the case.

“For me, I am a binary trans woman. I identify with everything that is femme and female. That’s where I’m comfortable, that’s where I live. I personally believe it is a broad spectrum, and anyone can fall anywhere on it.”

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.