
QUIZ: Every Wrestler At WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Complete the WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre card.

The 27th In Your House pay-per-view event, WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre was held on February 14, 1999 as the company was on the road to WrestleMania 15. 

The show featured a main event that fans had long wanted to see and was the continuation of a rivalry that had dominated WWE programming over the previous 18 months. There was also a shocking debut in the main event, although you won't have to guess who it was. 

The less said about the mid-card, though, the better and St. Valentine's Day Massacre is regarded as a bit of a dud outside of the headline matches. 

Since today is Valentine's Day and the 25th anniversary of WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre, we want you to name every wrestler from the 1999 event.

Good luck! 

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons