
Quiz: WWE SmackDown's 41-Man Battle Royale

41 names in six minutes - you've got this!

On this day ten years ago, WWE taped a special match for that week's episode of SmackDown - a 41-man Battle Royale, with the winner getting a shot at any Championship they desired later in the night. 

Won by Randy Orton, who chose to challenge Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Title, the Battle Royale was the largest WWE had ever held at that point in history. I mean, look at the ring, it's literally crowded.

Anyway, you can probably tell where this is going. We're looking for the 41 names who participated in said Battle Royale. It's a real who's who of WWE wrestlers in the early 2010s.

We've already given you one name, because it's a Monday and we're kind. You have six minutes to get them all! Best of luck!

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com