TNA Slammiversary 2024 Results

All the action from TNA Slammiversary 2024

TNA Wrestling returned to Canada for a sold out Slammiversary on July 20, with over 4,000 in the house for one of the biggest TNA events in recent memory.

With every title on the line - never mind the looming presence of WWE NXT - what went down at Slammiversary 2024? We have all the results below…

Tasha Steelz def. Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, & Xia Brookside - Pre-Show

Big TNA chants to start off with as the largest TNA crowd in a decade piled into the building for this. Early alliance between Shaw and Brookside as they focused on Apache with tandem offence, but Steelz ran in to dish out some swift kicks. Crowd were alive for everything all four women did, especially when Shaw wiped out Apache with a tope suicida, followed by a Shaw vaulting body press, and a huge diving crossbody by Xia Brookside to take out the competition.

As Brookside went for a superplex on Steelz, Shaw laid out both women with a double Spicolli Driver for two as Apache broke the pin. Apache crossbody turned into a Skyhigh by Shaw for two, and the ‘Quintessential Knockout’ was riding the momentum, cutting down Brookside with a spear and a huge knee for two… as Steelz broke it up, disposed of Shaw, then stole the win by pinning Brookside.

KUSHIDA def. Rich Swann - Pre-Show

International travel chaos meant that Jonathan Gresham couldn’t travel in for the show, so Rich Swann stepped in to take on KUSHIDA instead. 

A solemn KUSHIDA slowly walked to the ring with his face covered, only to reveal kanji across his face and body similar to Jinsei Shinzaki. Swann wanted no part of KUSHIDA, but still tried to out-manoeuvre his opponent, only to eat a precision dropkick early in the bout. Swann would fire back with strikes of his own, but nothing phased KUSHIDA, nailing a Tajiri handspring elbow to a big ovation. Swann came back with a poison Frankensteiner and a Lethal Injection but only got a two. Big right hand by KUSHIDA set Swann up for the moonsault but no-one was home, but a top rope Hoverboard Lock suplex was enough to get the tap-out win for KUSHIDA.

The Malisha (Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards) (c) def. Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) - TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships - Pre-Show

Threat and Masha started off attempting to out-mat-wrestle one another, soon giving way to Luna and Edwards who attempted a battle of strength, Luna easily getting the better of Alisha in this instance. Spitfire were a well oiled machine, hitting Alisha with a series of tandem moves, but a ref distraction allowed the champs back in, Slamovich and Edwards peppering Luna with tandem offence of their own.

Luna eventually fought back and got the hot tag to Canada’s own Jody Threat, hitting a crisp German suplex onto Masha, then a Michinoku Driver onto Edwards onto Slamovich for two. Hart Attack by Spitfire almost won it but Masha made the save. Pressure Drive attempt thwarted by the champs, but a Snowplow on Threat could only get a two as Edwards took too long to cover. Masha grabbed a title belt but missed Threat with a shot, but Jody went face first into the other title as the ref was distracted, allowing the champs to hit a Steiners Doomsday Bulldog to retain the belts.


TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella arrived to a big ovation, cutting a promo in Quebecois for that cheap pop, before announcing one more surprise match…

Eric Young def. Hammerstone - Pre-Show

First appearance of Hammerstone in TNA for several months. The big man wasted no-time in stamping his authority, levelling EY with a big pump kick, before tossing him out to the floor. Hammerstone threw Young around the ring with ease, nailing a lovely release overhead belly-to-belly  to level the former TNA Champion. Young fired back with strikes and the patented flying elbow, but could only get a two count. Hammerstone was soon back to his feet, trying to lock in the Torture Rack, but Young rolled out and got a schoolboy for the win out of nowhere.

Post-match, Young grabbed a mic and said it felt good to be home, saying tonight was a celebration for pro-wrestling, for TNA, but most importantly for the fans. “This is Slammiversary, and this is TNA Wrestling” as the crowd chanted TNA in approval.

Matt Hardy def. JDC

Big heel heat for JDC, with Dango bringing a big American flag down to the ring. Hardy rushed Curtis before the bell, biting and pummelling The System’s wildcard as a matter of revenge after he took out Jeff and Reby Hardy on IMPACT. JDC hit Hardy with the flag pole then rolled him into the ring as the match officially got underway. 

Curtis started strongly, but missed a diving leg drop on the apron to allow Broken Matt to regain his composure, hitting a suplex and a diving elbow from Bret’s rope. Side-Effect for two for Matt, but JDC came back with a Falcon Arrow, but a follow-up leg drop attempt went nowhere as Hardy met him up top and nailed an avalanche Twist of Fate for the 1-2-3. Hardy then nailed two more Twists of Fate - one each for Jeff and Reby.


The System cut a promo from their locker-room; Alisha gloating over her pre-show win, whilst Edwards and Myers declared they’d defeat ABC later tonight. Moose finished off by saying he’ll show the world why you should always trust The System.

ABC def. The System (c) - TNA Tag Team Championships

Ace Austin flew out of the traps, overwhelming Brian Myers before tagging in Chris Bey as the two nailed a Hart Attack on Myers for two. The champs soon regrouped to enjoy a spell in control, Edwards and Myers utilising quick tags to keep Bey isolated. Alisha Edwards gave Bey a cheapshotas the ref was distracted, but ‘The Ultimate Finesser’ had the wherewithal to get a hot tag as he and Austin sent the champs to the floor before Bey hit a too sweet tope con giro to wipe out The System. 

The champs again cheated their way back in with a suckerpunch on Austin, Eddie Edwards delighting in working over Austin. Assisted Stun Gun on Austin’s throat followed-up by a stalling suplex as Edwards continued wearing down Ace, but a tag to Bey happened behind the referees back, with Austin forced back in to receive a further beating from the champs. Bey eventually got tagged in, running through the champs as he built up a head of steam, flattening Eddie with a picture perfect moonsault before sending the former TNA World Champion to the floor. Alisha halted Bey’s momentum, but ABC were alert, Bey nailing a cutter on a rushing Myers on the apron as Austin hit a Fosbury Flop to Eddie to a huge reaction.

Big frog splash by Bey could only muster a two. Myers then took down Austin on the outside before running in to crush Bey with a Spear for two. The System thought they had victory in sight but ABC fought back, getting a 2.99 with a Magic Killer. Alisha again tried to interfere but got crushed by Bey after Eddie saved Myers. Double Art of Finesse on the champs, then a Fold on Myers as ABC got the win to kick off their third run as TNA World Tag Team Champions.

Mike Santana def. Jake Something

Something was a wrecking ball in the opening exchanges, crushing Santana with multiple shoulder barges and a flying shoulder tope on the floor. Mike Santana barely blinked, hitting a double jump Senton to the floor to take the big man down.

Santana enjoyed a spell in control but Something used his size and strength advantage to bully his way back into the bout. Santana rolled through a German suplex attempt to hit a cutter for two, then showed off his own strength to catch Something mid-air into a spinning fireman’s carry slam. Cannonball for two for Santana, but a second cannonball was caught by Something who hit an impressive sit-out powerbomb for two.

Jake Something went up top to follow-up but was caught with a huge Avalanche German Suplex, Something landed high on his shoulder in the middle of the ring from that one. Strike exchanges ended with Santana nailing a big lariat for a one-count, but a follow-up Spin the Block discuss lariat was enough for Santana to secure the win.

The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) def. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)

A fired-up reunited Rascalz were given a heroes welcome on their TNA return, and were too much for the NQCC to handle in the opening exchanges, until Tavion Heights used his monstrous size advantage to launch Zachary Wentz around the ring. Charlie Dempsey took some licks from Trey Miguel but launched the former X Division champion with a lovely biel before bringing the massive Heights back in who combined with Borne to further punish Miguel. Release powerslam into the ropes on Miguel as NQCC asserted their dominance on the bout. Miguel fought on to tag Wes Lee into the match, Lee running wild on the NQCC, peppering Dempsey with several kicks and a rebound DDT for two, but again NXT’s finest took control of the bout. 

Wentz and Miguel came back to run wild, Wentz taking heights over the top as Dempsey hit a bridging suplex on Miguel only to eat a Wes Lee frogsplash. Trey hit a diving tope onto the NQCC only to be caught in mid-air, with Wes Lee wiping everyone out with a running senton tope. Things broke down in the middle of the ring, but after regrouping The Rascalz unleashed on Heights with a Cheeky Nandoes and Soup Kitchen as Trey Miguel hit a tope to the floor. Assisted Hot Fire Flame moonsault on Heights by Wentz as The Rascalz picked up this vital win.

PCO def. AJ Francis (c) - TNA Digital Media Championship Montreal Streetfight

AJ took the mic to announce PCO would not be coming tonight before showing footage from earlier in the night of Francis and his First Class entourage having beat PCO down backstage as Destro watched on in secret. Back in the ring Francis wanted to be declared winner and still TNA Digital Media Champion and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion, but as he was about to be declared the winner the lights flickered as an empty casket was brought to the stage before a chained and bagged ‘corpse’ was lowered from the ceiling. Destro re-emerged to unleash the monster and awaken the ‘Perfect Creation’ with a car battery as the Montreal faithful cheered loudly for the former Ring of Honor World Champion. A wonderful slice of theatrics, wrestling is great.

Bell rings, chairs were swung instantly, and PCO soon flew with a Homicide tope cannonball, then a diving cannonball from the top to Francis on the apron. PCO-sault took down Rich Swann, but Swann soon regrouped to take PCO down and set a couple of tables up for AJ. Francis unleashed the plunder throwing all manner of chairs and trashcans into the ring, before wailing on PCO with a chair. The ‘French Canadian Frankenstein’ soon fought back, but as he went uptop for another Moonsault he was caught with an Electric Chair Drop into a pile of chairs, but AJ Francis could only get a two count. Francis went up top, but PCO caught him with a big throw through the tables on the floor.

Francis’ muscle Josh Bishop wailed on PCO with a chair on the floor, then hit a gutwrench Razor’s Edge onto two upright chairs, PCO’s spines going onto the tops of the chairs. Sami Callihan came out to save the day but was cut off by Rich Swann who used Sami’s baseball bat on him. As Swann went for a final blow with the bat Rhino turned up out of nowhere and crushed Swann with a beautiful Gore before imploring PCO to get up, to which PCO obliged. Back in ring PCO nailed a PCO-sault for a nearfall, then a nearfall for Francis off a Tombstone. PCO regrouped to chokeslam Francis onto the chairs then hit a final PCO-sault for the win and the titles.

Steph De Lander then came to the ring as the new champ was celebrating and asked for PCO to marry her, to which PCO replied “OUI” to huge cheers.

Jordynne Grace (c) def. Ash by Elegance - TNA Knockouts World Championship

Despite Jordynne being the overwhelming favourite heading in, Ash actually started off on the front foot, having an answer for everything the ‘Juggernaut’ had… until eating a few chops and a big spinebuster that is. Rosemary watched on from the crowd, then made her way to the ring to restore parity by chasing Ash’s personal concierge to the back with a knife after he attempted to interfere. The distraction allowed Ash to capture Jordynne mid-tope to hit a form of Sky High on the floor and take control of the match. Ash slowed it down with a rear naked choke, but Grace fought out to hit a ‘Shades of Samoa’ Muscle buster for two. 

Back-and-forth action as Ash fought out of a Juggernaut Driver to hit a lovely Tornado DDT for two, before Grace took it to the top rope for a delayed vertical superplex rolled through into a Juggernaut Jackhammer for two. Grace again went for a Juggernaut Driver, but Ash countered with a Stundog Millionaire and a Canadian Destroyer, but a Rarified Air Senton met nothing but knees. Ash regrouped to hit a running flipping neckbreaker, but another trip up top gave Grace time to recover and meet her for a German Suplex attempt, but Ash again had the champ scouted and hit a Sliced Bread for a nearfall. Ash went for a Figure Four but the champ was playing possum and caught the challenger in a rear choke, then hit a lariat, a pop-up spinning backfist, a high angle powerbomb, and a Juggernaut Driver for the win. A spirited showing from Ash, but Grace was never going to go down easily.

Mike Bailey def. Mustafa Ali (c) - TNA X-Division Championship

Another huge hometown reaction greeted Bailey, but would it be enough to spur on Speedball to be the first person to defeat Mustafa Ali in singles competition in 2024?

Classic fast-paced X Division action, Ali hitting a running hurricanrana to start things off, but soon getting chopped and kicked down to size by Speedball. Bailey tried to unleash a flurry of kicks but Ali avoided them, as Campaign Singh distracted Bailey long enough for the champ to rush the challenger. Ali ducked to the outside to avoid Bailey but was caught with a through-the-ropes headscissors then a big moonsault. Luckily for Ali, Bailey was distracted by his private security, allowing Mustafa to hit a nasty diving DDT from the ropes to the floor before blowing a kiss to Bailey’s wife Veda Scott at ringside prompting “F*** YOU ALI” chants from the partisan Montreal crowd.

Ali attempted a 450 but met nothing, luckily landing on his feet, but Bailey regrouped to swat the champ with a kick to the jaw, before following up with more precision strikes. Running shooting star by Bailey missed, but a follow-up Falcon Arrow did not, as Bailey hit a perfect Shooting Star Press from the top for a nearfall. Bailey went for the double knee moonsault on the apron but Ali dodged it, but as the two jockeyed for position on the top rope Bailey gripped the champ and hit a Spanish Fly onto Ali’s security detail on the floor to a huge reaction.

Back in ring Ali thought he was back on the front-foot, but Bailey fired up to pepper Ali with strikes. Pin exchanges followed before a baseball slide attempt was avoided allowing Bailey to hit a perfect Asai Moonsault, then followed up with an Ultimate Weapon attempt but Ali caught the challenger with a knee to the jaw. Spin out reverse Go2Sleep by Ali could only muster a two-count, and the follow-up 450 missed. Bailey nailed an avalanche Poison Frankensteiner then the Ultimate Weapon for three… or so we thought, as Ali got his foot to the ropes. Bailey rushed in for another pin but Ali rolled through for a two, and a Bailey follow-up thrust kick missed the mark as Ali pulled the ref into its path. Ali’s security rushed the ring but Bailey sent them all packing, aside from Campaign Singh who clocked Speedball with the X Division Championship. Ali’s detail held Bailey in place as Ali nailed the 450, and then another as Singh dragged the ref who counted one… two… NO, as the ref was dragged out by one of Ali’s security, who unmasked to reveal Trent Seven who brawled with Ali’s campaign team on the floor.

Ali wiped out Seven with a tope suicida and a chair, then returned to the ring to bash Bailey with a chair before calling out referee Earl Hebner IN MONTREAL. An expected chorus of boos for Hebner and “YOU SCREWED BRET” chants, as Ali locked in the Sharpshooter, but Hebner refused to screw Bailey as an incensed Ali got in his face. Ali swung at Bailey with the chair but Speedball kicked the chair, then locked in the Sharpshooter as Ali tapped! New X Division Champion, and what a match it was. 


Backstage an apoplectic Concierge and Hammerstone cornered Santino Marella loking for justice. Santino announced Ash by Elegance and Hamerstone will face Eric Young and Jordynne Grace on IMPACT.

Nic Nemeth def. Frankie Kazarian, Josh Alexander, Joe Hendry, Moose (c), & Steve Maclin - TNA World Championship Elimination Match

No count outs or DQs, pin or submissions only for our main event, but would Moose be able to walk out of Montreal with the TNA World Championship still around his waist?

Loud ‘WE BELIEVE’ chants as the bell rang as Montreal threw their support behind Joe Hendry, with the faces rushing Moose, then rushing Kazaraian when Kaz tried to join in the fray. The action soon spilled all over the ringside area, with Hendry dropping Moose on the floor with a delayed vertical suplex, then returning to the ring to bodypress Nemeth out of the ring into the champ. Alexander and Maclin briefly teamed to level Kazarian before Josh Alexander went on a German Suplex spree, taking down the entire field before hitting multiple rolling germans on Maclin, Alexander nailing ten on the former World Champion then hitting a double German Suplex on Kazarian and Nemeth.

Nemeth soon nailed nine heart attack elbows on Moose then hitting number ten on the floor after the champ bailed, allowing Kazarian in-ring to hit a cutter spree, even managing to flatten Moose with one after the champ quickly regrouped. Maclin then ran wild, wiping out the field before nailing a tope spear on Moose after Nemeth dodged a corner shoulder attack. Maclin went for the KIA on Kazarian but Moose cut him down mid-move with a spear to eliminate Maclin.

Steve Maclin eliminated.

Hendry went for a Standing Ovation on Moose but the champ powered out, before buckle bombing Nemeth from a Fame Asser attempt, and levelling Alexander. The action again spilled to the floor and headed up the ramp as the match turned into an all-out brawl. Kazarian was looking to hit the Fade to Black (Deadeye_ off the ramp through a table onto nemeth, but Nemeth wriggled out to nail Kaz on the button with a superkick as ‘The Future’ flew off the stage and through the wood.

Moose took the match back to the ring as this was not a falls count anywhere affair, with the champ hitting a stern uranage on Alexander, then one on Nemeth onto Alexander. Hendry came close to eliminating The System leader with a cutter, but the champ wouldn’t stay down, cutting down Nemeth and Alexander with spears, but one meant for Hendry was reversed into a pin for two. Hendry sent the champ inside out with a stiff lariat then eliminated the champ with the Standing Ovation meaning we were guaranteed a new world champion.

Moose eliminated.

Hendry rallied with the crowd on his side, but Josh Alexander wasn’t moved, kicking Hendry in the groin and hitting a C4 Spike to huge boos to eliminate Hendry.

Joe Hendry eliminated.

Loud ‘BULLS***’ chants as Alexander continued his assault on Hendry, telling him he couldn’t lace Alexander’s boots. An enraged Alexander shoved the ref then crushed Nemeth with a nasty shoulderbreaker and a spinning torture rack bomb for two before shouting he was the ‘heart and soul of TNA’ to more boos. Nemeth kept fighting only to receive bites from Alexander, before crushing the former TNA World Champion with a high angle DDT. Alexander and Nemeth jocketyed for position, each hoping to hit their finish, with Nemeth finally dodging a C4 Spike attempt to hit a Superkick and eliminate Josh Alexander to loud cheers.

Josh Alexander eliminated.

Kazarian spotted an opening and rushed Nemeth with a Fade To Black but only got a two, before returning to trap Nemeth in the Chickenwing. Nemeth fought out and hit a Superkick for two, but a follow-up Danger Zone attempt was scouted. Kaz hit a lungblower but Nemeth regrouped to hit a Superkick and a Danger Zone for the win and the TNA World Championship.

TNA Slammiversary results, July 20 2024:

  • Nic Nemeth def. Frankie Kazarian, Josh Alexander, Joe Hendry, Moose (c), & Steve Maclin - TNA World Championship Elimination Match
  • Mike Bailey def. Mustafa Ali (c) - TNA X-Division Championship
  • Jordynne Grace (c) def. Ash by Elegance - TNA Knockouts World Championship
  • PCO def.AJ Francis (c) - TNA Digital Media Championship Montreal Street Fight
  • The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) def. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)
  • Mike Santana def. Jake Something
  • ABC def. The System (c) - TNA Tag Team Championships
  • Matt Hardy def. JDC
  • Eric Young def. Hammerstone- Pre-Show
  • The Malisha (Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards) (c) def. Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) - TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships - Pre-Show
  • KUSHIDA def. Rich Swann - Pre-Show
  • Tasha Steelz def. Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, & Xia Brookside - Pre-Show

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Multiple Title Changes At TNA Slammiversary 2024

Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.