
AEW: Dynamite Results - June 30 2021

All the action as Dynamite returns to Wednesday nights

It’s Friday Saturday Wednesday, you know what that means; AEW: Dynamite, back on its regular night after a month at the weekends due to the NBA play-offs.

The show started with Chris Jericho joining the commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur, before our first match kicked off - Eddie Kingston & Penta el Zero M against the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks, complete with some gloriously filthy moustaches, and Travis Scott Jordan 1s.

The two teams didn’t wait for the bell, engaging in a brawl from the off, with Penta and Kingston getting a tag title shot if they win this bout. The Bucks dialled the cockiness and theatrics up to 11, however it was no match for Penta and Kingston’s ferocity. But The Bucks are champs for a reason, and soon cut the ring off and isolated Kingston in their corner, peppering The Mad King with knees and kicks. Kingston fought back, disrupting More Bang For Your Buck to hit a Superplex on Nick Jackson, before getting the hot tag to Penta. Penta was a house on fire, coming agonisingly close to a win with a corkscrew Code Red as the crowd booed referee Rick Knox for fudging the count. Penta and Eddie teamed well to deal with The Bucks, Eddie nailing a Taz-like German suplex on Nick Jackson, before eating a crossbody from Matt on the ramp. The Bucks came close with a Lucha Bros style foot stomp/package piledriver combo on Penta, then threw Kingston a superkick party as The Good Brothers came down to cause a ruckus. Brandon Cutler accidentally sprayed Matt Jackson with coldspray, as Frankie Kazarian appeared and wiped out Cutler. Penta hit a tope on Matt, Cutler, and The Good Brothers, before a Fear Factor on Nick Jackson netted him and Kingston the win and a shot at the gold.

Backstage Christian Cage put over Jungle Boy, and told him he could learn from his loss last week against Kenny Omega, and one day JB will be the champ. Luchasaurus turned up to formally introduce himself to Christian, and said he had his back against Matt Hardy and the HFO.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Ethan Page in ring ahead of his coffin match with Darby Allin next week. All Ego said his goal is to exterminate Darby Allin, and that nobody in AEW has tried to cripple him more than Page. Page said the coffin match is going to cripple Darby mentality, and that Allin won’t be able to do another Coffin Drop without thinking of Page.

The lights went out as Sting made his way to the ring through the snow, dragging a coffin behind him. Darby was then shown on the screen in one of his movies setting a coffin on fire with a flamethrower, but it was all a ruse as Darby was in Sting’s coffin, and quickly Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Scorpio Sky as Darby gouged Ethan Page’s eyes. Security and Jerry Lynn separated Allin and Page, as Page said he knew Darby would do something like this and cancelled the coffin match next week. Page said he wants a hold harmless agreement in place before their bout, and said if Darby is good, they’ll clash at Fyter Fest.

HFO associate Jack Evans made his way to the ring as Matt Hardy cut a picture-in-picture promo on Jungle Boy and Christian Cage. Jungle Boy made his way to the ring, looking to be the first member of the AEW roster to register 50 wins in the company. The two started fast, but Jungle Boy looked for a quick win with the Snare Trap, until Evans made the ropes. JB showed off some textbook lucha moves such as a flipping armdrag off the top turnbuckle, but Evans soon came into the bout with strikes. Evans took control as the crowd rallied behind Jungle Boy, as JB took Evans’ head off with a big lariat. Evans went for a Spider German Suplex, but Jungle Boy evaded it, and soon got the tap-out win with the Snare Trap for win number 50.

Post-match, The Hardy Family Office came to the ring, but were stopped by Jurassic Express and Christian Cage, as Cage hit a textbook reverse DDT on Matt Hardy in the ring, and choked Big Money Matt with his own jacket, before Jack Evans halted the attack. Cage disposed of Evans, then stood tall as Hardy shouted from the ramp.

MJF was backstage putting himself over, saying he has outfoxed and outperformed Chris Jericho every step of the way. Friedman laughed because Jericho didn’t realise that the joke's on him, and the once cool Jericho has become a sad cartoon. MJF said next week he’ll announce how Jericho can get one last match against MJF, and said that if Jericho manages to get through MJF’s trials, he’ll still lose, and when he does he’ll have to leave MJF alone for good. Friedman then turned his attention to Sammy ‘the hack’ Guevara, saying Sammy may be the future of the business, but MJF is the now, and he’ll embarrass the Spanish God in the main event.

Alex Abrahantes caught up with Andrade el Idolo. Andrade was insulted by Matt ‘something’s’ interruption last week, and said he would make an example of Sydal next week in Miami at Road Rager.

Back to the ring, Tony Schiavone caught up with AEW World Champion Kenny Omega. Omega too had a filthy moustache, going for a Harley Race style moustache/sideburn combo. Omega said he woke up feeling like a King, saying he’s defeated the toughest guy [Moxley], the best high flyer [Rey Fenix], the biggest merch seller [Orange Cassidy], the greatest athlete in AEW not named Kenny Omega [PAC], and the biggest up and comer in AEW [Jungle Boy]. Omega said unfortunately there’s no-one left to face, so he’s taking some time off, but luckily he has other belts to defend elsewhere.

Suddenly The Dark Order turned up, with Evil Uno saying Kenny indeed has someone else who can take him on. Omega dismissed The Dark Order and told them to leave, as the crowd chanted ‘cowboy s***’, as Uno said Omega certainly knows a friend of Dark Order who has enough wins to take on The Belt Collector. Omega said if Uno is talking about the person Omega thinks he’s talking about, then they wouldn’t appreciate Uno speaking on their behalf, they wouldn’t have the guts to take on Kenny Omega, and they don’t think they have the right to hold the belt up and declare themselves champion. Omega said goodbye and goodnight, and walked through the Dark Order and to the back.

Match three was our TNT Championship bout as Champion Miro took on Varsity Blonds’ Brian Pillman Jr. Beforehand, Pillman said he grew up with good friends and great teammates who stood by him through thick and thin. When Miro put his hands on Griff Garrison, it awoke something in Pillman, and Flyin’ Brian Jr. said he wants to prove to the World that Miro is just a bully with a messiah complex, and is nothing more than a big Bulgarian bitch.

As the bell rang, Pillman went straight at Miro with strikes and chops, but soon ate a big biel. An incensed Miro victimised Pillman, peppering the second generation star with kicks and throws. Miro took the fight outside, launching Pillman with a belly-to-belly on the floor. Ode to Sheamus as Miro hit the chest beats from the apron, but Pillman dropped him with a stunner and a Chris Jericho springboard dropkick to the floor. Pillman was fired up, nailing a springboard clothesline back to the ring, but could only get a one count. Two Pillman superkicks followed, but didn’t phase Miro, who took Brian’s head off with the Machka kick. Game Over in the centre of the ring, Miro rolled it backwards for the grapevine and got the win via ref stoppage.

Backstage, an irate Hangman Page shouted at Dark Order for talking on his behalf. Hangman asked if they thought he was scared of Omega, Colt Cabana said no - Hangman is scared of failure, but it’s ok to fail. Dark Order told Page they have his back like he's always had theirs, and he’s waited long enough - now is Hangman's time.

Backstage we saw Taz break some news, flanked by Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs. Taz talked about the toxic relationship between Brian Cage and Ricky Starks, with Hobbs saying it needs to get figured out. Taz said Cage will defend the FTW Championship against Ricky Starks in Texas in two weeks, and that family members sometimes need to clear the air with a good old fashioned fight.

The next match was a tag team bout pitting Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero against Britt Baker and Reba/Rebel. Baker tried to avoid Nyla allowing Rebel to do her dirty work, but The Native Beast dominated Baker’s faithful assistant, as Baker refused to tag in. Nyla set a table up outside the ring as Rebel worked over Vickie, before tagging back in and pummelling Rebel once more. Nyla set up Rebel for a Canadian…. Backbreaker, using her strength to wear down Rebel some more. Baker eventually tagged in, peppering Nyla with kicks before eating a chokeslam, and rope hung flying knee. Rebel broke up a pin attempt and legitimately injured her knee in the process, as Baker got the Lockjaw on Vickie for the quick tap-out.

Post-match Nyla cheapshot Baker, laid her out with a powerbomb, then hit another from the apron through a table.

Inner Circle’s Jake Hager and Proud & Powerful were backstage. Hager called Wardlow a punk and a coward for punching Dean Malenko. Santana said they’re going to have Konnan in their corner when they clash with the Tully Blanchard flanked FTR, when Inner Circle and Pinnacle face off next week.

Main event time as MJF took on Sammy Guevara. Before Sammy made his way to the ring, MJF took the ring and insulted the crowd saying the Jacksonville audience makes him miss the pandemic era. Guevara made his way to the ring to a big reaction, as the two tried to out-taunt one another in a battle of mind games. The two were in a stalemate, matching evasions and reversals, employing some crisp counter wrestling as both men went to outwrestle rather than outbrawl each other. Sammy got the early advantage, but MJF soon took control, using every dirty trick in the book to keep Guevara at bay. MJF viciously laid into Sammy when caught in the ringskirt, then countered a springboard into a sit-out powerbomb for two. MJF came back with a Bret’s rope Spanish Fly, as both men were down for a ten-count. Guevara was fired up, clotheslining MJF to the outside before nailing a corkscrew plancha and a follow-up springboard destroyer for two. MJF worked over Guevara’s arm looking for Salt of the Earth, but ate a chair when Guevara Van Daminatored him into the crowd, before hitting an unbelievable RVD somersault dive from the top rope over the guardrail. Guevara tried to follow-up with the 630, but MJF met him up top and hit a devastating top rope Tombstone piledriver for two. MJF hurt his knee in the process and could barely follow up, Guevara taking advantage of it to get out of a Heatseeker piledriver. Sammy nailed GTH, but MJF got to the ropes, Guevara following up with a 630 to MJF’s knee - also for two. Shawn Spears walked down to the ring, Chris Jericho sought to head him off but was jumped by Wardlow who threw Le Champion off the stage, distracting the ref so Spears could level Sammy with a chair. MJF crawled on top of the downed Spanish God, and got the three count after an absolutely intense battle.

Dynamite ended with a look back to the pandemic era with a greatest hits clips package from Daily’s Place, as AEW prepares to take to the road again.

Full results:
• Penta el Zero M & Eddie Kingston def. The Young Bucks
• Jungle Boy def. Jack Evans
• Miro (c) def. Brian Pillman Jr. - TNT Championship
• Britt Baker & Reba/Rebel def. Nyla Rose & Vickie Guerrero
• MJF def. Sammy Guevara

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.