Ariel Helwani Calls Tony Khan Interview One Of The Most Frustrating Of His Career

A frustrating experience for Ariel Helwani with Tony Khan

Ariel Helwani has called his recent interview with Tony Khan "one of the most frustrating and, to a degree, not so fun interviews of my career." 

Helwani interviewed Khan last week and a range of topics were addressed but the AEW President was reluctant to discuss the backstage altercation between The Elite, CM Punk and Ace Steel that took place following All Out. Khan also said he did not want to talk about their AEW futures and the specifics of Omega, The Young Bucks, Punk, and Steel's suspensions.  

Speaking about the interview on the MMA Hour, Helwani stated: "He didn't want to answer anything. You're going to come on and promote X, Y, and Z, great. And I'll play that dance with you. I did, at the beginning. But you got to give us something, to not even tell me how you were feeling. I'm not asking for specifics, alright fine I am, but is Punk going to wrestle for you, is he coming back, you don't want to get into it, fine. But tell me how you were feeling. Give me something."

Helwani mentioned that his opinion on the interview would upset AEW fans. He has come under fire for his comments as they come only days after Helwani narrated a video package for WWE's Extreme Rules pay-per-view. 

Helwani has since tweeted

"You AEW freakazoids are nuts. You're all mad that I said I didn't enjoy one intv yet for the past year + every time I talk wrestling I have praised the product, said wwe was stale blah blah. Said it on Simmons pod in July, my show 100 times. Look it up. And chill out. Sheesh. 

"If me saying the interview wasn't enjoyable offends you because you liked it … thanks! I appreciate it! If you wanna defend the non-answers (most of which had nothing to do with legal stuff but alas) fine! Who cares? Not sure why you're so mad & comparing this and that. Sheesh!

"I said for the past year the Sasha Banks BT interview was a disaster and my least favorite ever. Still is. See? Didn’t want it to run. Why didn't anyone go crazy over that?! Get a gripe. Stop picking and choosing. And if you are please also pick the nice stuff too, k? Thanks.

"Oh and I was asked about it on the show. I didn't just randomly start talking about it. And yeah, the product isn't as good right now. It was superior 6 months. I said that. It isn't now. It may be superior again in 6 months! This happens. My opinion. It's not that serious, bros.

"Best part? I predicted this very reaction! Ha! Amazing. Ok I'm done. Off to watch some GCW. Now that's real wrasslin'."

H/T to F4W Online

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons