
Bad Bunny Gives WWE 24/7 Championship To R-Truth On Raw

We have a new 24/7 champion!

R-Truth has finally been reunited with his pride and joy, after trading back for the 24/7 Championship on Monday Night Raw. 

Truth has been without the 24/7 Championship since February 15, when he lost the belt in a backstage segment to Akira Tozawa. However, Tozawa would immediately be attacked by Damien Priest and then pinned by Bad Bunny, claiming his first title in WWE. 

Latin star Bad Bunny has enjoyed a successful run as 24/7 champion, winning his first Grammy on Sunday and performing live on 'Saturday Night Live' in the past few weeks, but was convinced to trade the belt back to R-Truth backstage on Raw on Monday. 

R-Truth would give Bunny some 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin merchandise in exchange for the 24/7 Championship, starting Truth's 50th reign with the belt since its inception in 2019. 

Bad Bunny's night would get worse, with the 27-year-old being attacked by The Miz, who hit the musical star with a guitar.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com