
Big E Reveals Vince McMahon Proposed New Day Split Up In WWE After Kofi-Mania

The group turned down the WWE Chairman's idea

Big E has revealed how The New Day refused plans put to them by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to have the group split up in the aftermath of Kofi-Mania.

Kofi Kingston won the WWE Championship from Daniel Bryan at WWE WrestleMania 35 with his New Day brothers, Big E and Xavier Woods, at ringside with him at the event. The group have been together since 2014, although current exist across both Raw and SmackDown.

The trio have been adamant about never wanting to split from each other officially and former Intercontinental Champion Big E has spoken about how McMahon told them an idea for the dissolution of The New Day, only for the group to actively turn it down.

Speaking to Alex McCarthy of TalkSPORT, he said: "I know there were rumours for a while that certain things were pitched, but I think because we had been so adamant about not wanting to be broken up I think that’s where people were like ‘ehhh, I don’t know if we should because they really don’t want it'. 

“I can’t really divulge the conversation, but even from the top of the business, the very head of what we do – you know exactly who I’m talking about – he directly told us ‘hey, this is the idea’ and we said 'we’re not feeling it'. This was post-KofiMania. There were people who wanted it earlier as well.

"If we’d done it, we would have missed out on so many great moments. I still think that doing it now or soon, there are great moments to come and we have a lot more to offer. I think you’ve seen happy, clappy New Day for a very long time.

“I still even want to play around with the original ideas we had. When you saw Woods come out in that red and white suit in 2014… that was our original intent, our original plan! To be this hard-nosed, not shaking hands, not singing, not shucking and jiving anymore – we’re not taking it anymore. We’re not sitting back, we’re going to take it. Obviously, the group ended up being the exact opposite. Instead of no more shaking hands and kissing babies, we now specialise in shaking hands and kissing babies and dancing. We had to pivot a bit but it all worked out for us. 

“I think we still have so much to offer as a group and I just like telling stories in a different way. I get our business is a business of conflict, but I think the story of brotherhood and three guys who genuinely want the best for each other is different and unique."

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com