
Big E Welcomes Angel To WWE's Brotherhood Of Lost Names

More additions to the expanding list

Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo became the latest WWE talent to lose parts of their respective names last week, as creative took the decision to shorten their handles to 'Angel' and 'Humberto'.

It's not the first time WWE have taken such decisions, reportedly due to Vince McMahon's dislike for names that are too long. Big E previously had 'Langston', Cesaro used to have 'Antonio' as his first name, Apollo was once Apollo Crews, Elias was Elias Sampson and many others have also had the same treatment. 

WWE Champion Big E has long campaigned for the return of his surname, going so far to suggest on an episode of the New Day Podcast that he could have used his Money In The Bank briefcase to cash in for 'Langston' back, and E has welcome Angel and Humberto the not so exclusive club in WWE.

Angel took to social media, telling fans to 'call me Angel', with Big E responding: "Welcome to the brotherhood. Meetings are the third Wednesday of every month. Talk to @WWECesaro to coordinate what food/beverage we need you to bring."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com