
Bret Hart Comments On Ricky Steamboat's In-Ring Return

The Hitman applauds The Dragon's decision to wrestle again

Bret Hart has commented on fellow WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat's return to the ring, noting that he will be 'rooting' for The Dragon when he steps back into the squared circle this weekend. 

Steamboat will team with FTR to take on Jay Lethal, Brock Anderson and a mystery partner at the Big Time Wrestling show on Sunday, November 27. 

Speaking with Sports Illustrated, The Hitman had nothing but good things to say about the former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, noting that "Ricky is one of the greatest. He's a phenomenal wrestler. Very few ever did it as well as Ricky".

Continuing to praise Steamboat, Hart said: 

"I have always had nothing but respect for him. Inside the ring and outside the ring, he was always a class act and a gentleman. He was a straight shooter, never a guy with an ego or a troublemaker. I'm a big fan of his. He's just such a great guy. I'm glad that he's going to have another moment. I think it's great for anybody that was a big fan of his".

Steamboat last wrestled on a Florida Championship Wrestling show in June of 2010, teaming with his son Richie in the main event.

Bret commended Ricky for his courage in wrestling after such a long layoff and at close to 70 years of age, saying: 

"I'll be happy if Ricky's happy. I don't know if it will be the greatest match he's ever had, but it takes a lot of guts and a lot of courage to go in there and do what Ricky's going to do. I applaud him and wish him good luck. I'll be rooting for him".

Bret Hart and Ricky Steamboat only clashed twice in singles outings - on consecutive shows in March of 1986 - one of which was included on Bret's 2005 DVD career retrospective (and is available to watch via the WWE Network).

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.