
Eric Bischoff Knew About WWE Hall Of Fame Induction Before Corey Graves Interview

Bischoff was inducted in the Class Of 2021

Eric Bischoff has admitted he knew he was being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame prior to being told by Corey Graves on the 'After The Bell' Podcast. 

WWE informed almost all of their Class Of 2021 Hall Of Fame inductees of their inclusion by involving them in different media projects, such as podcasts, with Bischoff supposedly informed of his involvement by Graves and Vic Joseph after being invited on their weekly podcast to discuss his relationship with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. 

However, the former WCW executive producer has revealed that it wasn't a surprise to hear the news from Graves because he had been told at an earlier date. 

Bischoff maintains that his emotional reaction to the news on the podcast was genuine because he hadn't be told it would be discussed on the 'After The Bell' Podcast, and the gravity of the honour hit him when Graves informed him on the show. 

Speaking on his podcast, 83 weeks, Bischoff said: "It wasn’t a surprise. I’m not going to lie to you guys. I knew, I was aware. 

"However, the reaction was very real because while I knew ‘Okay, wow, this is going to happen,’ that conversation was the first conversation I had outside of the one with my wife and it didn’t become real to me until I was officially notified on a WWE platform.

"Yeah I knew, but it hadn’t sunken in yet, and I didn’t know how they were going to do it and it wasn’t scripted. It was kind of ‘Hey, expect an announcement tomorrow,’ but I didn’t anticipate how it would make me feel when I actually heard it from someone other than myself. At that moment, that’s when it hit me."

H/T Wrestle Inc

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com