
Eugene: Triple H Is One Of The Best Minds Ever In WWE

Eugene worked closely with Triple H in 2004

The former Eugene has declared Triple H has one of the best minds to ever work in WWE.

Nick Dismore is best known for his run as Eugene in WWE, featuring on Monday Night Raw throughout 2004, with the biggest match of his run being against Triple H at SummerSlam 2004.

Eugene was linked with The Game and Evolution throughout much of the year and Dinsmore has revealed that Triple H already had quite a bit of sway backstage in the promotion at that time.

Having learned from so many of wrestling's great brains, Dinsmore believes Triple H is one of the best minds to work in wrestling.

Speaking to the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast, Dinsmore said: "I would say he was heavily involved [backstage in 2004]. And then as I progressed with the company when I was a coach in NXT, he was really, really immersed in that project.

"But yeah, by that time he was a top guy. He learned from every other great mind that came before him. They call him The Game - I think it’s a good moniker because he really embraced and learned the business. He did well, probably one of the best minds ever."

H/T SportsKeeda Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com