
JBL Recalls Lance Cade Stealing The Undertaker's Seat On The WWE Bus

Don't sit in 'Taker's seat

WWE has been a difficult place for new talent to navigate in the past due to the numerous unwritten rules within the company. Anything from not shaking hands with the locker room to not wearing a suit could land a talent in hot water with "the boys." 

One such talent who fell foul of an unwritten rule was Lance Cade during his early days with the company. 

JBL recalled on Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw that the seats at the back of WWE's travel bus were reserved for larger Superstars and veterans of the company, something Cade was unaware of when he sat in The Undertaker's seat. As a result, WWE talent started ribbing Cade until he realised it was a "matter of respect" and moved to another part of the bus. 

"Lance gets in the best seat on the bus just because he thinks, 'Hey, there's a comfortable seat on the bus, I'm gonna sit in it.' Guys were ribbing him like, 'Hey, that's not your seat. You think you're a big shot?' Well, he kind of took it as, 'I can't back down because then I show weakness,'" JBL recalled.

"Finally somebody pulled him aside and said, 'Hey, Lance, they're trying to give you the heads up that that's for 'Taker, and that's a matter of respect.' And when he did, when he realised it, right away things changed. But you don't know [WWE etiquette] until you know."

Cade competed in WWE from 2001 until 2008. He sadly passed away in 2010. 

H/T to Sportskeeda

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons