
EXCLUSIVE: Former NXT UK Referee Artemis Reveals Why She Left WWE

Artemis had a big issue within WWE

Appearing on Tom Campbell's Desert Island Graps, former WWE NXT UK referee Artemis revealed why she departed the company, citing pay as a "big issue." 

After initially taking part in a tryout, Artemis joined WWE in 2020. She finished up with NXT UK in April of 2022. 

"I'm going to be honest, the pay is a big issue. I've never earned as little money as I did in WWE. I never thought I would say that because I thought that was going to be my full-time job and it was going to be it. Like, I took a massive pay cut from being a teacher to being a referee which is weird considering you're on TV every week in several countries. During my two years under contract, I offered to do other jobs to help and also to increase the pay but I got told there was nothing," Artemis said.

"Just before my contract expired, they offered me a new two-year contract and when I asked what the pay was going to be, they said it was going to be the same. So I said, 'I can't do it. I've got a mortgage, I have to take care of my mum. I can't stay on that little money.' And it's a shame but I need to take care of my family." 

After that conversation, WWE extended Artemis' contract by two months in the hope they would be able to come to a deal. This meant she was set to work the April 2022 tapings before her deal expired but WWE suddenly called her only days beforehand and said they didn't have a better deal for her and there was no need for her to come to the tapings, something Artemis thought was "really sh*tty." 

The former NXT UK referee also believes there are other talents within the brand who are questioning whether they can afford to continue working for WWE. 

Check out Artemis' full chat on Desert Island Graps here.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons