
Jason Baker: Vince McMahon Trusted Bray Wyatt And I With Firefly Fun House Ideas

Rotunda left WWE in July

Special makeup effects artist Jason Baker has opened up on the process of creating 'The Fiend' and The Firefly Fun House with Bray Wyatt in WWE, including how Vince McMahon trusted them with the early concepts.

Baker worked closely with Windham Rotunda on his character in WWE and had a huge influence over 'The Fiend' following the conception of the gimmick in 2019.

Speaking to Alistair McGeorge of Metro, Baker said: "We stayed up until two, three in the morning just chatting about what we could do, what we should do, what we probably couldn’t do. 'We’re probably not gonna get away with that, so we should just drop this idea now.' Just things like that.

"But there was some potential for other characters, other puppets, other looks, other things. That’s the thing – we were always just trying to add something new to it, something fresh, and just keep it going."

While also noting that he couldn't share certain details due to nondisclosure agreements, Baker added: "I wasn’t there every week, I wasn’t there all the time. But I will say this, a lot of times guys like Vince would listen to ideas. They’d really take it under consideration and allow us to run rampant with a lot of things.

"At a particular time, I remember when we first started it, there was a time when we could just do whatever we wanted and Vince was like, 'OK guys, I trust you!' I don’t know the ins or outs of what happened or what went down, but he was very open. He listened to us, he listened to ideas. I think that’s definitely credit to him!"

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com