
Jaxson Ryker: There's A Good Bit Of Creative Leeway In WWE

Ryker has been changing up his character in recent weeks

Jaxson Ryker says he has been given a lot of freedom to be creative with his character in WWE.

Since splitting from Elias, Ryker has leaned into his Marine Corp history, defeating his former tag-team partner in a Strap Match this past week on Monday Night Raw.

The 39-year-old has now revealed that he's been given the chance to have a say in his promos and his character, revealing that there is 'a good bit of leeway' for him to work with.

Speaking with the 'Radical Lifestyle' podcast, Ryker said: "They’re really open with our creativity as far as what we’re allowed to do and say. Obviously, we have to pull back the reigns a little bit, but with WWE, they’re open to creativity.

"Now that Elias and I have done a switch and we’re fighting each other, they’re giving me an opportunity to touch base on my Marine Corp history. It’s cool and there are certain things I would say and won’t say. There’s a good bit of leeway.

"It’s not like, I’ve done movies before and it’s like, ‘Verbatim, say that right there. That’s what the writer and producer wants. Don’t steer away from it.’ With WWE, there is leeway."

H/T EWrestlingNews

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com