Jon Moxley On The Wrestling Travel Schedule: "I Usually Feel Like Cr*p Most Of The Day, Every Day"

"It’s part of what you have to do because you can’t Zoom in a f***ing pro wrestling match."

Jon Moxley has opened up on the tolls of the extensive travelling schedule that comes with professional wrestling, describing the travel as 'the hardest part' while admitting it has left him feeling 'like crap most of the day, every day'. 

Moxley holds a distinguished career in wrestling, one that has seen him travel across the globe multiple times. The AEW and NJPW star has been back and forth between the United States, Japan and everywhere in between for the last couple of years, and was consistently on the road when with WWE too as Dean Ambrose.

In his typically honest style, Moxley has admitted he considers the travelling the hardest element of his job, while seeing the actual wrestling as his release.

Speaking to Inside The Ropes’ Gary Cassidy for BBC The Social, Moxley said: "When you’re doing it at a high level, yeah, the travel is definitely the hardest part. I used to say, like, and a lot of people say that you get paid to travel, the wrestling is the fun part. It’s the bonus part. Being in the ring for 15-20 minutes every night is your release.

"I usually feel like crap most of the day, every day. The best I ever feel is usually right after a match, even if it was a very physically demanding match. My adrenaline is high, I’m loose, I’m on a high, I’m feeling good. When I walk into the back and I’m bleeding and sweating and everything and all busted up, that’s usually when I actually feel the best.

"When you’re on the road every single night, that’s kind of the high you’re chasing at the end of the night. The travel’s the hard part. It’ll take years off your career, and when you’re going on well over ten years of just being in chronic pain all the time now, you just get used to it. It’s part of the deal. That’s I guess a byproduct of the whole thing. 

"But travel is probably the biggest component of breaking your body down, but it’s part of what you have to do because you can’t Zoom in a f***ing pro wrestling match. You’ve got to, you got to get there. You’ve got to go to Scotland, you’ve got to Japan and wrestle in these places live – and it’s all worth it, man."

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Mitch Waddon

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