
What John Cena Did On 'The Simpsons' Revealed

John Cena's involvement on 'The Simpsons' revealed

John Cena brought new life into the world on the season 36 premiere of 'The Simpsons.' 

As the episode progressed, Comic Book Guy and his wife Kumiko Albertson suddenly found themselves stricken at the comic book store as Kumiko went into labour. There was no medical assistance to be found either until John Cena burst into the store, revealing he was the only licensed midwife to win 16 WWE world titles. 

After joking he was going to bring out his own line of panini presses - the Ceninini - Cena was able to deliver the baby, severing the umbilical cord with a Klingon bat'leth. Cena then performed his trademark ‘You can’t see me’ catchphrase and posed for the seconds-old baby before leaving the happy couple alone. 

Cena became only the second WWE star to appear on 'The Simpsons', joining Bret Hart on the exclusive list. 'The Hitman' previously appeared on the season eight episode, ‘The Old Man and the Lisa’, and purchased Mr. Burns' mansion. 

Fortunately for Comic Book Guy, Rob Van Dam wasn't a licensed midwife. It was revealed in 'Comic Book Guy’s Book of Pop Culture' released in 2005 that he was once taken out by RVD at an ECW show. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons