
Kevin Nash: Hulk Hogan Is The Greatest Worker Of All Time

Big Sexy’s opinion is bound to stir up debate

Throughout his career, Kevin Nash worked with some of the greatest in-ring talents of all time; Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Keiji Muto, amongst others. But ask Big Sexy who the greatest worker of all time was, and his answer may surprise you.

Speaking on the 83 Weeks podcast with Eric Bischoff and Conrad Thompson, Nash gave his answer:

“People ask me who’s the greatest worker of all time? And I’ll say ‘Hulk Hogan.’ And they’re just like ‘What!?’ The number one thing about being a pro wrestler, is you have to, in my era, have to be able to go out there 300 nights a year, minimum and do this. That’s part of the job. And the one thing that I always knew, and I probably worked with Hulk 30 to 50 times in my life where we’ve been against each other doing something and I know for a matter of fact, a million percent, I would bet everything that I own, I am going to come back to the locker room in the exact same shape that I left it. And that’s the key to the work.”

For Nash, the day Undertaker launched Mick Foley off of Hell in a Cell at King of the Ring 1998, that’s the day ‘the work’ died:
“I’ll say it to the day that I die, one of the biggest parts of our business that died, happened at Hell In A Cell when Mick Foley fell whatever he fell, 40 feet through that table because now we took a work and made it a stunt"

Nash continued:

“[…] In 2002, or 2003 whenever I had my Hell In A Cell, and they came to me with it and I said ‘Great! If, we don’t go out of the cell. They looked at me like ‘This is going to be s***. This will be horrible.’ I said he [Triple H] has been running from me for three months, that’s what a cell’s for, that’s what a cage is for. The cage is because the heel is continually trying to get away from the babyface and now he can’t. So I said we’re going to stay in the ring. I just don’t think the babyface should get beat, but I didn’t book it. [Laughs]”

H/T: Inside the Ropes

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.