Hulk Hogan News


10 Biggest WCW Signings

In the professional wrestling business, a big new signing can completely change the game, opening up new and exciting avenues when it comes to potential matches and storylines.  This can have a...


20 Best WCW PPVs Ever

When the WWE Network was launched in February 2014, WCW had been dead for 13 years. Vince McMahon's stiffest competition was around for a very long time and produced pay-per-views from Starrcade...


10 Worst WCW Matches In History

Very few promotions produced terrible pro wrestling like WCW.  Obviously, World Championship Wrestling gave us a lot of good stuff, too, but when it came to really messing the bed when the...


10 Worst WCW PPV Main Events In History

For all its amazing cruiserweight action, exotic Japanese imports, and Goldberg squashes, World Championship Wrestling put out its fair share of absolute tripe.  Terrible wrestling, terrible...


True Story Of The Fingerpoke Of Doom

For the five and a half years that the Monday Night Wars lasted, any given Monday could have been labelled "A Tale of Two Shows", for whatever subjective reason one comes up with. You could contrast a...