
Konnan: Roman Reigns Is Way More Influential Than CM Punk

K-Dogg has acknowledged The Tribal Chief

Whilst there are two big dogs of the wrestling world scrapping it out in the form of WWE and AEW, people are going to look for any way possible to compare and contrast the two. 

Ratings, match quality, action figures, whatever the metrics, it’s bound to cause debate. And Mexican legend Konnan has thrown his hat into the ring, when asked on the Keepin' It 100 podcast as to who is more influential in pro wrestling; AEW’s CM Punk or WWE’s Roman Reigns:

“I think that for one night or one month, CM Punk was,” Konnan said. “For the whole year, what Roman has been able to do, increase ratings, increase buzz, maintain a great storyline for over a year with different guys, get an aura about him that only The Rock’s probably gonna defeat. I think he’s been way more influential.” 

Reigns has taken shots at Punk on social media, whilst AEW’s Tony Khan has hailed the impact of signings like Punk, and Bryan Danielson. Regardless, an argument can be made for either wrestler, whether you base it on one month, one year, or one decade of their prospective careers. Whatever side of the fence you fall on, debate is bound to rage on.

H/T: Wrestling Inc.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.