
Lince Dorado Reveals Why He Doesn't Want Cesaro To Sign With AEW

Former WWE Superstar Lince Dorado on why Cesaro shouldn't sign for AEW.

Former WWE Superstar Lince Dorado recently appeared on The Sessions with Renee Paquette, and spoke about a number of topics, including his admiration for the recently-released Cesaro.

Cesaro helped train Dorado, but the former Lucha House Party member claims he doesn't think the Swiss Superman should head to AEW - at least not right away;

"Any company would benefit from Claudio. Whether it’s a wrestling role, a teaching role, anything. That dude gets it, 110%. If it was me though, I would love to see Claudio kill it in New Japan or Impact. And the only reason I say that is there’s no difference for him in AEW. I feel like, not that he would be in the same spot, but I think he doesn’t benefit AEW and AEW doesn’t benefit him, at this moment."

Dorado's comments echo those made by Eric Bischoff on his own 83 Weeks podcast, where he claimed that Cesaro should first travel around and build hype for himself in places such as Japan and Mexico before attempting a move to AEW.

H/T to WrestlingInc.

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Written by Jack King

jack.king@cultaholic.com Twitter: @JackTheJobber