
NXT's Zoey Stark Confirms Torn ACL & Meniscus

Stark has undergone surgery

Zoey Stark has confirmed the nature of the injury that has written her off NXT Television and required surgery last week.

It was reported last week that Stark had suffered a legitimate injury and an angle run on the November 2 episode of NXT 2.0, which saw Toxic Attraction beat down the former NXT Women's Tag Team Champion, was done so in order to give her time off to recover.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter would later report that Stark was set to undergo surgery, something Stark herself has now confirmed, revealing that she sustained a torn ACL and Meniscus.

While it is unknown how long Stark will be out of action, the NXT star says her surgery went well and she is already starting to rehab her leg.

Writing on Twitter, she said: "Sadly, I tore my ACL/Meniscus due to Toxic's attack. Here's the bad news for the "champs". Surgery went great and I'm already rehabbing. I'll be back BETTER & STRONGER..."

Zoey stark tweet november 2021

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com