
Sasha Banks: Vince McMahon Is My Best Friend In WWE

Banks opens up on her relationship with the boss

Sasha Banks has opened up on her relationship with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, calling him her 'best friend'.

Banks has established herself as one of WWE's most consistent performers and, having gone through difficult times in the past, has earned the trust and respect of McMahon behind the scenes in the promotion. 

The former SmackDown Women's Champion says McMahon has a lot of trust in her and even indicated that the two text each other every single day, showing just how strong their relationship is.

Speaking on Rasslin' with Brandon F. Walker, Banks said on her relationship with McMahon: "He trusts me. We're best friends. I love you, Vince. Thank you, Vince. My best friend. (On) speed dial. Texts every single morning. 'How are you, Sasha?'

"'Good morning, Vince. How are you?'"

Banks has previously spoken about her working relationship with McMahon, indicating that it is her goal to take whatever he gives her and make it the best it can be.

"Whatever Vince wants, that's what I'm going to do. Anything he gives me, I want to take it and make it as magical as I can make it."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com