
Tanahashi Talks Lesnar & Is Edge OK?: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

Is there anything good on TV this weekend?

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to bring you Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week, erm, this week. 

I've had chills. I've been having trouble sleeping. I can barely eat, too. 

I was worried I was coming down with you-know-what, but it turns out I just have a severe case of...


It's WrestleMania week, so the focus of the wrestling world shifts to the Showcase of the Immortals and all that comes with it, including the Hall of Fame ceremony, a two-night NXT TakeOver event and what should be an interesting post-WrestleMania Raw. 

While some of the stories within these pages are WrestleMania related, there's also a good deal of other fascinating tidbits, unexpected social media interactions and news and opinions from the usual places, for you WrestleMania scrooges who are burned out on the Showcase of the Immortals. 

10. Bret Hart Bashes Modern WWE Title Design

Bret hart wwe champion 1

I love Bret Hart. 

He was one of my first favourite wrestlers and has continued to be so over the years. The more you watch his work, the more you appreciate just how good The Hitman was. 

Best there is, best there was and best there ever will be? There's certainly a case to be made there. 

Post-retirement Bret is also one of my favourite wrestlers, but not because he's putting on any technical classics or anything. 

I love the modern-day Hitman because he's so happy to talk about anything and usually ends up burying someone or something, even if it has nothing to do with what he was originally commenting on. 

He's a legend, but he's a bit of a curmudgeon, and it warmed my heart to see him taking a shot at the modern-day WWE Title design this week in a video of him showing off his old WWE Championship belt, which was the 'winged eagle' design.

He called his title the 'most beautiful belt ever made in wrestling' before wondering aloud 'God knows why they change it to that piece of crap they've got now'. 

Never, ever change, Bret. 

On the subject of the 'winged eagle' title, why do we refer to it as that anyway? Are there other, wingless eagles not flying about out there that I don't know about? I mean, what's the deal there? 

Hold on, this isn't the cold open to an episode of Seinfeld is it? Moving on...

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.