
The Undertaker: Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre Are 'Legitimately Great Stars' In WWE

The Deadman described them as 'two of the best at what they do'...

The Undertaker has heaped praise on WWE champion Drew McIntyre and Universal champion Roman Reigns, describing the duo 'as legitimately great stars'.

McIntyre and Reigns have been stand-out performers for WWE over the last year, with the former impressing in his main-event role since claiming the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 36, while the latter's most recent work as The Tribal Chief is arguably the finest run of his career so far. 

'Taker worked with both Reigns and McIntyre, alongside Shane McMahon, in a tag-team match at Extreme Rules 2019, and the Deadman has credited the duo as being instrumental in helping him recover his aura following the disappointing match with Goldberg in Saudi Arabia a month previously. 

“That match meant a lot to me,” Undertaker told Sports Illustrated. "I was trying to erase that stain out of memory [from the Goldberg match].

"I’ve heard from so many people who think they know all about wrestling and what I should do, but no one has any idea how I grade myself. It’s far more severe than people may think, and my expectations for what I do are higher than people think, too.

“I go all the way back with Shane to when he was in college. I have a long-lasting relationship with all the Samoans, and Roman is one of the Samoan greats. As a human being, I think the world of Roman. And Drew is one of those genuine guys. Anytime I’m around, he’s right there picking my brain. He’s not doing it because it looks good to others, he does it because he genuinely wants to get better. Those are two legitimately great stars.

“So that was a fun night. We were all on the same page, we knew what the objective was, and that match was special. Roman and Drew are very special talents, two of the best at what they do.”

The Extreme Rules match also saw Elias get involved, attacking Undertaker as he went to perform The Last Ride on Shane McMahon.

The recently retired veteran also praised Elias for his work in the contest, with the 33-year-old's efforts helping to keep energy high.

“Elias deserves a lot of credit, too, for that matter, because he was another guy involved in making that match,” Taker said. “The energy level was high, and I had a bit of comfort working with all those guys.”

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com