
The Young Bucks Say They're Not Medically Cleared To Compete

Both Matt & Nick are out

Matt Jackson has revealed that The Young Bucks are currently not medically cleared to compete in All Elite Wrestling. 

Matt and brother Nick teamed with Adam Cole at AEW Full Gear earlier this month to take on Christian Cage, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus in a violent Falls Count Anywhere Match. The bout featured chairs, tables, ladders, tacks and much more as the two teams fought through the aream.

Nick Jackson had previously been concerned that a heel injury might keep him off the show but, while The Young Bucks were allowed to wrestle at the AEW pay-per-view, both are now dealing with setbacks that are stopping them being cleared for a return to the ring.

Speaking on Being The Elite, Matt said: "I'm not medically cleared to even wrestle. Nick is not medically cleared to wrestle.

"He reinjured his bruised heel, the one I made fun of, that was a real injury. Joke is on me. Now my neck is kind of giving me grief."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

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