
Tony Nese Has "A Lot" Of Indie Bookings Following His WWE Release

Nese is pushing ahead

Tony Nese's WWE run came to an end after five years on June 25 after the company released him and 13 other Superstars. 

This was just the latest set of releases WWE has instituted in recent months and Nese confirmed on the Wrestling Perspective Podcast that he was let go because of budget cuts.

"So, it wasn't like a creative thing of like, 'Hey listen, we just got nothing for you,' whatever. It was straight up what you hear on the internet. It's budget cuts, you know? The company's obviously trimming some fat and whatever their plan is, unfortunately business is business and I was on the sh*t end of that stick," Nese said (H/T POST Wrestling).

The former Cruiserweight Champion currently has a 90-day non-compete clause, but he revealed that he has "a lot" of independent wrestling bookings already in the works.

"As far as wrestling-wise with indie dates, I do have a lot of dates in the works right now, but there's nothing I can talk about yet," he added.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons