
Update On Baron Corbin's Storyline Coming Out Of WWE SummerSlam 2021 Reportedly Emerges

Corbin has been striking it big in Vegas

Baron Corbin's downturn into financial desperation has been one of the most entertaining aspects of WWE television in recent months. 

The former 'King' Corbin's commitment to his new gimmick and change in appearance has been exceptional, with Corbin even trying to steal Big E's Money In The Bank briefcase prior to SummerSlam. 

A host of videos on WWE social media after SummerSlam 2021 have shown Corbin finally changing his luck and winning big in a Las Vegas casino, and PWInsider is reporting that the WWE production team filmed a lot of content with Corbin in Vegas over the weekend. 

The reported plan is to continue to show Corbin's progressively improving situation on the social media channels over the next few days before 'some sort of story twist' either just before or at the Friday Night SmackDown taping at the end of the week. 

The report goes on to say that, at one point, there were plans to film content with illusionist Criss Angel in Vegas, but there has been no confirmation as to whether this was part of the Corbin storyline.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com