
Vince McMahon Retains Influence In WWE Despite TKO Resignation

Vince McMahon still has influence in WWE following his resignation

Vince McMahon still retains an influence over WWE despite his resignation on January 26.

McMahon announced his resignation as TKO Executive Chairman after he was accused of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and physical and emotional abuse by former WWE employee Janel Grant, with McMahon's resignation coming about after WWE sponsors began to postpone ties with the company. It has since emerged that McMahon is under federal investigation for several alleged incidents of sexual assault. 

While he is no longer a TKO executive, McMahon remains a major shareholder in TKO, owning between 10 - 12 percent of the organisation. This does not provide McMahon with enough power to force his way back into the company, as he did with WWE in January 2023, but the Hollywood Reporter noted the shares are enough for McMahon to "carry influence." 

McMahon could also put "downward pressure" on TKO stock according to analysts if the 78-year-old decides to sell more of his shares. 

Robert Fishman, a Wall Street analyst at MoffettNathanson, wrote: "His long-term intentions with his economic interests in TKO must be a consideration as a shareholder. Continued chunk sales by McMahon could put downward pressure on TKO stock."

The Hollywood Reporter also noted that during his six-month absence from WWE in 2022 following his resignation as WWE CEO and Chairman, McMahon continued to "weigh in on creative decisions, reaching out to employees by email and text with suggestions."

Former WWE talent Ronda Rousey claimed this was the case after McMahon's resignation, tweeting that Bruce Prichard was "Vince's avatar." 

"Bruce Prichard is basically Vince's avatar, if he's still around Vince still has a hand in the business. Vince was still running things through Bruce when he was 'gone' before," Rousey wrote.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons