
Widow Of Shad Gaspard Files Negligence Claim Over His Death

He passed away in May...

According to Los Angeles Daily News, Shad Gaspard's widow Siliana Gaspard filed court papers against the state of California, Los Angeles County and the city of Los Angeles on Monday. Within the filing, Gaspard alleged negligence and dangerous condition of public property. 

Gaspard alleges there were insufficient signs warning people about the dangers of swimming in Venice Beach and that the lifeguards who tried to rescue her son and husband were understaffed, had insufficient training and didn't bring the proper equipment. She also states rescuers "left Shad Gaspard in the water to die." 

As of writing, the lawsuit is unofficial in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Gaspard and her son are seeking unspecified damages and burial costs. 

Shad Gaspard went missing on Sunday, May 18, 2020, after he and his 10-year-old son got caught in a strong rip current while swimming in the ocean. He directed rescuers to help his son first. By the time they returned, he had been hit by another wave and washed out to sea. His body was discovered a couple of days later. 


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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons