
WWE Files Opposition To TNA Trademark

TNA trademark application opposed by WWE

WWE have filed an opposition to a trademark registered by TNA Wrestling.

In a motion filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on September 19, WWE are seeking a 90-day extension to oppose TNA and parent company Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions’ filing of the ‘Santino Marella’ trademark.

Marella has been using the gimmick in the company since Hard to Kill in January 2023, with WWE’s original copyright claim to the gimmick having lapsed allowing Anthem to swoop in and file to register the trademark for their use. WWE have countered, with the ‘Santino Marella’ character originally created by WWE.

Prior to using the Marella name in TNA, the ‘Director of Authority’ appeared for the company across several runs using his real name Anthony Carelli. Marella officially signed with the promotion after his Hard to Kill appearance.

Marella exited WWE in 2016 after a nine year main roster run that saw him win the United States Championship once, WWE Tag Team titles once - with Vladimir Koslov- and winning the Intercontinental Championship on two occasions, with Marella returning to WWE for several guest appearances in the following years.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.