
WWE Had Big Plans For AOP Prior To Release

Akam and Rezar primed for dominant run before being let go...

The release of the Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) has come as a shock to some in WWE. 

The tag team were let go last week but were supposedly in line for a big push at one point, as they had supporters in high places within the company. 

According to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio, Paul Heyman wanted to feature them strongly as a top tag team, presenting them as something akin to a modern-day Road Warriors, a sentiment that was shared by Paul Levesque (AKA Triple H).  

Hawk and Animal, of course, were a dominant force in tag team wrestling in the 80s and 90s, typically running through their opponents while selling very little. 

Per Meltzer: "When Paul Heyman was there, Paul Heyman wanted to make them his Road Warriors and Levesque did to because he even brought in Ellering for them and they were total Road Warrior rip-offs. It’s interesting that those two wanted to make them into Road Warriors and then Vince just decided whatever". 

The AOP were not, it seems, going to be paired back up with Seth Rollins, which had been their role prior to Rezar injuring his bicep. 

Paul Ellering, who had managed the team previously and was also the former manager of the Road Warriors/Legion of Doom, had stated in a recent interview that WWE had planned to bring him back but those plans were put on hold when Rezar was injured. 

The AOP (who will likely have to adhere to a standard 90-day no-compete clause) have yet to comment on their release or future in wrestling. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.