
10 Most Controversial WWE Shows Ever

10 most controversial WWE shows in history

Of the tens of thousands of shows that WWE have produced over the decades, there are a few that stick out as being particularly controversial. 

Whether this was due to some circumstance surrounding the show, something that happened on the show itself or something that happened as a consequence of the show, the mere mention of these events - which include pay-per-views, televised shows and even house shows – are bound to stir up some strong feelings. 

These are the 10 Most Controversial WWE shows ever! 

10. ECW December To Dismember

December to dismember rob van dam test

There's a reason they only did one standalone ECW pay-per-view after rebooting the brand full-time in 2006. Going into December to Dismember, only two matches had been announced – the Extreme Elimination Chamber for the ECW Title and a tag team match pitting MNM against The Hardy Boyz.

The rest of the show was padded with obvious filler, while the headliner was altered on the night when Sabu (who had heat with management) was taken out of the Chamber and replaced with Hardcore Holly. Fans hated that, but they hated handpicked WWE prospect Bobby Lashley winning the ECW Title even more. 

The mastermind behind the original ECW, Paul Heyman, also didn’t like what he was seeing, having originally pitched CM Punk walking out as champ. That, along with the general presentation and promotion of the pay-per-view, led to a huge blow-up between Heyman and Vince McMahon, each blaming the other for the show’s shortcomings. 

Heyman was removed from the creative team and sent home immediately after, forced to sit out as his contract expired. ECW originals Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards were so upset with the state of things after the show that they asked for (and were denied) their releases.

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Written by Cultaholic