
10 Most Controversial WWE Shows Ever

10 most controversial WWE shows in history

9. Madison Square Garden House Show - May 19, 1996

Curtain call

The May 19, 1996, live event at MSG was set to be Kevin ‘Diesel’ Nash and Scott ‘Razor Ramon’ Hall’s final nights with WWE before they departed for WCW. 

Following the WWE Title cage match main event between Big Daddy Cool and fellow Kliq member Shawn Michaels, Hall and Triple H – who had just competed against each other in the semi-main – entered the ring for a big group hug, as they all posed together in what came to be known as The Curtain Call. Even though it was not televised, someone’s trusty camcorder did record the send-off.

Wrestlers and road agents backstage were incensed that The Kliq – who were generally not well-liked as it was – had gone into business for themselves in such a flagrant display of kayfabe breaking and they let Vince McMahon know about it. Since Hall and Nash were on their way out and Michaels was WWE Champion, Hunter took the brunt of the punishment, which included having a planned King of the Ring tournament victory taken away from him.

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Written by Cultaholic