
Adam Pearce Would Reverse Retirement Decision For WWE Match With Roman Reigns

"There is no chance I'd turn that down."

Adam Pearce has admitted that there would have been 'no chance I'd turn that down' if WWE had wanted him to face Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble.

WWE teased a potential match been official Pearce and Universal champion Reigns at this year's Royal Rumble after The Tribal Chief helped Pearce to win a number one contenders gauntlet match.

Pearce would get one over Reigns, however, using his authority to change the opponent to Kevin Owens, who would take on The Head Of The Table in a Last Man Standing Match at the January event. 

Despite previously saying he considers himself fully retired and holding no interest in stepping back into the ring, Pearce says he would have been up for stepping into the ring with Reigns had it been the direction WWE wanted to go. 

Speaking to GiveMeSport, Pearce said: "If you come to me tomorrow and say, ‘Hey, let’s rewind to the Royal Rumble', if that match was actually going to happen, there is no chance I’d turn that down. That would have been incredible. But it’s not something I ever pushed for or ever expected to happen. It’s not something I aspire to.

"I was happy to be a part of it. Roman and I have certain chemistry on camera, he’s really taken to this mob boss mentality and does it so well. You can’t teach on-screen chemistry, I think he and I have enough of a personal relationship that the conversations always felt real. 

"It was naturally fun and really easy to play off him and Paul Heyman. It took on a life of its own… I was getting ready, man, getting my boots polished, you know, getting ready to go."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com