
Cameron Reached Out To Vince McMahon About Potential WWE Return

Cameron left WWE in 2016

Ariane Andrew - formerly known as Cameron in WWE - has revealed she reached out to Vince McMahon about a potential return to the company.

First introduced to WWE in the 2011 Tough Enough competition, Andrew would align with Naomi as The Funkadactyls on television before departing in 2016 following a short stint in NXT.

After competing briefly in AEW last year, Andrew is now looking for a return to WWE, and even messaged McMahon directly about the opportunity.

Speaking to Wrestling Inc, she revealed: "I am very torn if I want to say this, but I actually reached out recently and was like, ‘I would love to come back'. Will I be back? That’s to be determined, but I actually reached out to Vince [McMahon] himself and was like, you know what, I’m going to go to the person who’s at the top.

"He actually responded, which is crazy. I know he’s a busy person. He was like, ‘I’ll pass this along to John Laurinaitis,’ who’s head of talent relations.

"I miss being in that world of wrestling. I saw Naomi three months ago, and I was like, you know what, if I have nothing, if I never got the championship, I feel like having the tag team titles would be awesome. I feel like I would feel fulfilled. I feel like I would get that feeling of feeling accomplishment because The Funkadactyls were awesome, but I still feel there’s this void that I’m missing, and I feel like if I was able to go back and, not only that, we’d be making history. 

"We would be the first black women ever — I hate to throw that term around when it comes to race, but we’d be the first black women ever to have the belts."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com