
Chris Jericho: Why I Changed My Look & Gear All The Time In WWE

Jericho often changed his appearance in WWE

Chris Jericho has revealed he often changed his look and appearance in WWE due to a desire to keep things fresh, which in turn led to him making more money from merchandising.

Jericho notes that he always made an effort to reinvent himself as he wanted to avoid ever falling into a trap of being a nostalgia act.

Speaking on Sports Media with Richard Deitsch, Jericho said: "When I first started working on TV every week in WCW and more specifically, in WWE when SmackDown started, and we used to do both shows [before the roster split/brand drafts]. I said people are going to get bored of me pretty quickly if I am on TV twice a week and I look the same and have the same rap, shall we say? ‘We’ve got to change it up.’

"I remember the late, great Pat Patterson said to me, ‘You always have different facial hair every week.’ And one of the reasons for that was because it was always something different. Subtly, it was something different. 

"I had different tights that I changed every week, and then I noticed that they would make an action figure for every set of tights that I wore and every set of facial hair that I had. So now you’re making more money too, because there’s more diversity of what people can market from you.

"All of those things kind of came from show business, from rock ‘n’ roll, and [asking myself] ‘What I need to do to constantly stay ahead of the curve, to go where the puck is going and not stay where the puck has been,’ because then you fall behind. and I never, even in my early 30s, never wanted to be a nostalgia act in any way, shape or form. And that’s kind of where the whole mindset came from."

H/T WrestleZone

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Mitch Waddon

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