
Eric Bischoff Comments On NWO's 'Creative Control' in WCW

"The creative control issue was not an issue, even though people like to talk about it and it’s part of the narrative."

Eric Bischoff has sought to clarify the level of 'creative' control that the New World Order was given in WCW. 

It was heavily reported that Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash had say over how they were utilised creative when the moved to WCW, but Bischoff is adamant that only Hogan had any sort of creative control in his contract, using it the once. 

The former WCW Executive Director did admit that Hall and Nash had the right to meaningful consultations, but could not dictate their booking.

Speaking on the WrestleSlam Podcast, Bischoff said: "Hall and Nash didn’t have creative control. To clarify, they did have language in their agreement that gave them meaningful consultation. Meaning they were guaranteed to have a conversation with me and it would have been a meaningful conversation, but a meaningful conversation and creative control or two different things, And they did not have creative control.

"Hulk Hogan had creative control and he only used it once. So, the creative control issue was not an issue, even though people like to talk about it and it’s part of the narrative, so I know there’s a lot of narrative and a lot of people have reported that there was creative control and none of those people know what the f**k they’re talking about, to be honest with you. So it didn’t create an issue."

H/T Wrestle Inc

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