
Kurt Angle Reveals Rikishi Played 'Sick' Stinkface Prank On Him In WWE

An unpleasant experience to say the least...

Kurt Angle has recalled how Rikishi once played a 'sick joke' on him, by giving him a stinkface after using the bathroom and purposely not cleaning himself up afterwards. 

Angle and Rikishi faced off in 2000, with the Olympic Gold Medallist still relatively new to the WWE at the time, with the bout calling for Rikishi to put his famous 'stinkface' move on Angle. 

However, what the future WWE Hall Of Famer wouldn't know was that Rikishi decided to prank Angle by giving him a real stinkface, which included not wiping himself clean after going to the toilet.

Speaking on the most recent edition of the Kurt Angle Show, he said: "Oh, yeah! Rikishi! He played a horrible joke on me! Horrible!

"I was new to the business, and this was right around this time, right here in 2000. And, he was supposed to give me a stinkface that night. He went to the bathroom and didn't wipe himself on purpose. He backed it up and gave me the Stinkface, and it was disgusting. It was the worst smell I ever smelt in my life.

"You know, afterward, he was laughing, and he told me. At least he admitted it! It was a pretty sick joke, after the fact that it was funny. I didn't know at that time. He told me afterward; he said, 'I did it on purpose. I didn't wipe my butt; I gave you a stinkface for real.'"

H/T SportsKeeda Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com