
Liv Morgan On Referencing WWE Releases: "I Don't Think I Said Anything Wrong"

Ruby Soho and Sarah Logan were proud of the promo

WWE used real-life events during the November 29 edition of Monday Night Raw as Liv Morgan referenced Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan being released by WWE during a contract signing with Becky Lynch, claiming they had been let go because of the Raw Women's Champion's "big, fat, greedy contract."

This reference came on the same show in which Edge mentioned John Morrison's recent WWE release and many fans and even individuals within WWE thought the comments were in poor taste.

Addressing the segment on Out of Character with Ryan Satin, though, Liv Morgan said she didn't do anything wrong and her friends actually said they were proud of her following Raw. 

"Was it hard for me to say what I said? No because Becky has brought up my friends and my friends not being here. After that segment, I got a text from my friends saying how proud they were and how amazing they thought it was. I don't think there is any hard feelings anywhere around," Morgan began.

"I know I'm addressing something that may feel like an elephant in the room or taboo, but these are things that are happening. I don't think I said anything wrong. Everyone is allowed to feel how they want and react how they want. There was not one intention in my mind to offend anyone or make light of any situation, but just address the reality of the situation," she continued.

"I felt like she needed to hear it. She's on such a high horse right now that I couldn't wait to yank her down and bring her to reality."

Morgan challenged Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's Championship on Monday's episode of Raw and ultimately failed to win the title after Lynch caught Liv in an O'Connor Roll and grabbed a handful of ropes for the 1-2-3.

H/T to Fightful

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons