Moose Reveals Racist Abuse Following IMPACT World Championship Win

Moose won the Championship at Bound For Glory 2021

Moose says he has been the victim of racist abuse in the wake of his IMPACT World Championship victory.

Moose cashed in the 'Call Your Shot' trophy at the close of Bound For Glory 2021 to halt Josh Alexander's coronation as the new champion, taking the IMPACT Title from him in a shocking conclusion to IMPACT's biggest show of the year. 

For Moose, such a decision is 'Wrestling 101' as it allows the babyface to chase the nasty heel for the Title. 

However, some fans have been very vocal against IMPACT's booking of the moment, with Moose revealing that he has received racist abuse both in-person and on social media because of the situation.

Speaking on the Juice Pro Wrestling podcast, Moose said: "I feel like if you know pro wrestling and old-school booking, you should have saw it coming. I say that because early in the night, I won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet. Wrestling 101, unless it's old-school WWE where they don't mind putting the title on a babyface and having them hold it for a year, wrestling 101, who chases the title? A babyface.

"If I don't cash in that night, you have a heel with the trophy that can cash in at any time. Technically, the heel is the baby because I would be chasing. I feel like I had to get rid of it as soon as possible so I wasn't chasing. Usually, the guy chasing gets the babyface rub. Now, being a dirtbag and taking everything away from Josh, the babyface is chasing.

"I don't care what people think. They can hate me, they can like me. If they hate me, I'm doing a good job. I just hate that it gets to where people hate me so bad that it crosses into reality and they call me the N-word and DM me racial stuff. Is it that serious? Are you that butthurt over stuff that isn't real to disrespect me? When you see a movie with Denzel [Washington] and hate the ending, do you text Denzel?

"Me being who I am and trying to find the positive, I remember when I saw people tweeting me and saying racial stuff, I heard a video of someone yelling the N-word during my promo. I texted Scott and said, 'Well, I guess I'm the best heel in wrestling because I got people to go racial.'

"As sad as it is, there's no way to turn that negative into a positive. Would I do it again? Yes because I don't give a f**k."

H/T Fightful

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