Nick Aldis 'Amazed' By Reaction To Mickie James' Trash Bag Post

"I would politely suggest that maybe a little more respect could have been shown to her while she was there."

Nick Aldis has admitted his amazement at the level of response wife Mickie James got to her social media post about receiving her belongings from WWE in a bin bag. 

James was one of ten WWE Superstars released on April 15, with the former Women's Champion revealing on social media that the promotion had sent her belongings back in a bin bag. 

The situation was quickly responded to by Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and John Laurinaitis on Twitter, who noted the 'person responsible' had been fired from the company, while chairman Vince McMahon would phone James himself to express his apologies. 

Aldis says that James had not posted the image and video to get sympathy, but to simply just show how life in the wrestling business can sometimes be, revealing both he and his wife were both taken aback by the response.

Speaking to Spencer Love, he said: "You know, the craziest thing about all that for us was that she really, it wasn’t like she was super offended. It wasn’t like she was really upset. She was kind of laughing at the symbolism. It wasn’t like this thing where she went ‘ah, I’m devastated, I’m heartbroken, how would they do this to me,’ and I’ve seen some people sort of refer to it like that as if that was the sort of tone.

"If you go back and look at her post with the video and stuff, she was very tongue-in-cheek about it. She was very kind of, ‘well, that’s about f*cking right!’ In other words, they chew you up and spit you out, and that’s just the way the business is. And, look. She’s been through a hell of a lot worse.

"The reality is, is that symbolism and sort of tone-deaf gesture, I guess, is the best way to describe it, it’s not even in the top-10 of the most cold, heartless things that have happened to her or me in this business. So, it’s kind of like, ‘hey, man, we’ve got thick skins.’ She just thought it was enlightening, I guess, to sort of share with the world like, ‘Hey, you think it’s all special and glamorous? It’s sometimes not so much.’

"I was very amazed at the level of traction it got. And, I was amazed at the level of response on the corporate level from those guys. From Triple H, and Stephanie [to] Vince, they all – and, hey, I will say that Vince McMahon went out of his way to express to Mickie his respect for her and her contributions. That’s at least some consolation to take from it. Although, I would politely suggest that maybe a little more respect could have been shown to her while she was there."

H/T Wrestling Inc

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