
Paul Heyman Signed New WWE Deal

Paul Heyman is sticking with WWE

Paul Heyman won't be leaving WWE anytime soon.

Speaking to Richard Deitsch on the Sports Media podcast, the former ECW owner revealed he re-signed with WWE last year. 

"It was public knowledge that my contract came up last year and I kept it very close to the vest because I'm not one of these people that, A, want to negotiate in public and B, I'm reading an awful lot lately about who signed and for how long and how much, and I never want that to be me. This much, I will say, I re-signed with WWE last year. It was a long-term agreement. They created a situation where I would have been a fool not to take them up on their offer," Heyman said.

"I'm locked in for a while. This has been the case for a long time for me because I do outside projects because I like to multi-task and I'm very ADD and I can't concentrate on one thing ever in my life. I have carve-outs to allow me to do other projects, which is also to WWE's benefit because I'm locked into WWE as well. I'm always gonna be, 'That WWE guy is doing this outside project.' I would never do anything that would betray my deal with WWE because they went out of their way to ensure I was here, I'm happy, I'm locked in, and we're mutually satisfied with each other's contributions."

Heyman's latest run in the company will reach the 10-year mark in May as he re-debuted on WWE TV back in 2012. He has spent much of his time as Brock Lesnar's advocate but now he finds himself alongside Roman Reigns and The Bloodline. Heyman has also managed Cesaro, Ryback, Curtis Axel, and CM Punk during his current run. 

H/T to Fightful 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons