
Shawn Michaels 'Honoured' To Temporarily Run WWE NXT In Triple H's Absence

HBK has been running NXT for the past few weeks

Shawn Michaels has opened up on temporarily taking control of WWE NXT in the absence of the brand's Executive Producer, Triple H.

WWE confirmed in September that Triple H had undergone a successful procedure following a cardiac event, with Michaels looking after NXT while 'The Game' recuperates.

In his role as Vice President of Talent Development, Michaels has worked with NXT for a number of years, and says the decision to step up and help out his best friend during his time of need was an easy one to make.

Speaking with Sports Illustrated, Michaels said: "Trying to step in and fill his role is impossible to do. Everybody here misses him unbelievably, especially me.

"But I always go back to this—everything in real life takes precedence over everything else. This was a situation where my best friend needed my help and needed me to step in, so I look at this as an opportunity, in a small way, to thank him for everything he did for me earlier in my career. Taking over the responsibilities here is a drop in the bucket compared to what he did for me all those years back. 

"I’m honoured to at least have the opportunity to pay him back a little bit and be there for him. That’s what this whole company does—this whole relaunch has been everyone pulling together, and I’m energized and inspired to keep this NXT territory going strong during his absence."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com